Both veneers and crowns are custom-made and matched with the rest of your teeth. Whether a veneer or a crown is right for you will depend on the condition of your teeth and what you’re trying to fix.
Veneers are typically used for small chips and other cosmetic issues that do not impact a tooth’s structure. Crowns are most commonly used for more severe chips and breaks that can’t be covered with a smaller veneer. They are used to improve a tooth’s structure, as well as its appearance. While veneers cost less than crowns, keep in mind that they are more likely to chip, crack, or wear out than a crown. Veneers are typically considered a cosmetic procedure and not eligible for insurance coverage, while crowns are considered a non-cosmetic dental expense, and most plans will accept payment responsibility for about 50% of the cost of a crown.
The best way to know whether crowns or veneers are the right choices for you is to visit Smile Centre India for an evaluation of your chipped or broken tooth. In deciding on veneers vs crowns, we take all of the factors mentioned here into account — price, durability, and your dental health and provide you with options that best meet your needs.